Friday, 12 October 2012

Digital leaders teach the class!

Today Poppy, Isaac, Molly, Grace, Sam and Emily (the digital leaders in Maple) taught Maple class how to customise their Google map account.

We first showed the class how to log into their accounts and find Shrewsbury on the map.
Then we showed them how to add a marker, change the style of it and add a picture.
 After that, we showed the class how to highlight areas, such as: Fields, parks and playgrounds etc...
Later, we taught them how to create a route from one place to another and customise it.

We had great fun teaching everyone (including Mrs Prior)!

by Poppy


  1. You're right Poppy, you taught me so much today. All of the class thought that you all did a fantastic job and really helped everyone to learn a lot about customising Google maps. We also had a great introduction to Google apps. Thank you to all our DLs and we look forward to many more lessons from you.
    Mrs P

  2. I really enjoyed teaching Maple class, they all ways listened to what we were showing then and got on really well! Thank-you Maple!

  3. Your Digital Leaders sound like true role models and demonstrate the power of how children can become educators. Well done everyone.

    Mr Harrison
    Miriam Lord, Bradford.

  4. Wow it sounds like you had a great day and you taught them a lot ! Mabye you could tell the world how to. Me and my friends are digital leaders too we helped Mrs Duxbury put some apps on our school ipads !

    From your quad blogging buddies

  5. What great teachers you have in your class !It sounds like you had a great day and had lots of fun !

    From Lily Lona

    I love your blog
