Friday, 15 March 2013

Harvey's 100 Word Challenge Week 23

Two weeks ago I was in the bath. Warm and cosy, clean and calm. My soft, furry cat quietly purring by the door. Orange soap suds floating on the still, blue-tinted water. The window, slowly letting through warm, dusty beams of light, dancing on the floor as the trees got blown about by the warm summer wind. All a dream, lost in a haze of memories that would make you cry. It's different now. Much different. Up here, separated, lost in space. With only three minuites of life left. Three minutes of oxygen. Life is so mysterious.


  1. Oh Harvey! What a lovely challenge you have shared - and so descriptive, and so sad! Your use of punctuation, and short sentences have added to the atmosphere created by the words. Excellent!

  2. Very good work Harvey :)

  3. Harvey, very good 100wc! The last couple of lines was breath-taking and made me want to read on. Maybe add an if, if, then. But everything else was excellent. Well done!

  4. WOW! Harvey, this is amazing, half of it was breath taking. I think you have a tallent to write, you should keep it up writing. My favourite bit was when you said life is so mystriouse, maybe next time you could add more powerful words.
    From Annalese at Highlawn
