Monday, 10 June 2013

Our visit to the Mayor - by Isaac

On Wednesday, our class's School Councillor and Eco Councillor went to see the Mayor of the town with the other Eco and School councillors, as well as three teachers. We left school at lunch time and headed for the Mayors Parlour at Shrewsbury Castle, which was only about a mile away. When we arrived we met the Mayor (John Tandy) and the Lady Mayoress. He guided us around the Castle and showed us his own private parlour, which was a great privalage as it is normally only open on special occasions. Next, everyone went to the Mayors Parlour at the Guildhall, which is the main council building in our town. Here he showed us all the old Mayors photographs,some pictures dating back to the 70s. Then we went to his other Parlour and Mr Mayor (that is what we had to call him!) showed us his formal clothes. It was basically a long red coat with fur sowed into the cloth, and a long hat that looked like a beak from a bird! He also showed us his trophy cabinet, where some pieces of silver dated back to the Tudors. All the children had a great trip and enjoyed both of the Mayor's Parlours.


  1. Our school councillors and Eco councillors are a little bit like the Mayor. They too have had to be elected by their peers. They hold a very responsible job in school. It was a lovely reward to go and meet the Mayor and it certainly was very interesting having a look at all the things in his parlour. I wonder whether someone who went will be a future Mayor one day?

    Mrs P

  2. WOW, Issac did you have fun meeting the mayor?? Was he kind???

    from your Friend in Maple class
