Friday, 1 March 2013

Ester's 100 Word Challenge Week 21

My mum and I were on our way to misty’s when she slammed the breaks on, so the car stopped suddenly. “I’ve hit a fox!” she screamed as she tore her seat-belt off and flew outside. I did the same. Scampering around the car I could hear her sobbing. “It’s deeeaaad!”
I sped up and when I reached her all I could do was comfort her until sudden realization gripped me. The fox was alive, its chest rising and falling rhythmically “MUM, It’s alive!”
“No, it can’t be”
Hurriedly, I placed her hand on its chest. “See! It needs a vet, and fast!”…


  1. Hi Ester,
    Thank you for entering the 100 Word Challenge, I really enjoyed reading your writing.
    You've used some great vocabulary in your writing, I particularly like "scampering" and "hurriedly". Your use of exclamation marks is good as is the dialogue which keeps the story moving on.
    Of course, what I really want to know now is, did you get the fox to the vets in time?
    Well done!
    Mrs Stones

  2. Hello Ester
    I love this one hundred world challenge. I just am wondering how was the fox! Well done from Emily. :)
