Thursday, 13 September 2012

Amy's 100 Word Challenge Week 1

Hi I’m Amy and….wait there’s no time for chat now. I’ m bursting to tell you my story, ok here’s how it all began… I had been trapped in my nightmare for five minutes, but I was already terrified. I could just feel terror creeping up my spine. I could smell the monsters stench and, see there ugly faces staring at me licking there lips. Suddenly I heard a humongous roar. I closed my eyes dreading the consequences; looking behind me I saw a dreadful creature. I froze. “aaaaaagh”.   


  1. I like how you have wrote: ' I was trapped in my nightmare for five minutes...' It really grabs your attention!

  2. Fantastic description, Amy. I almost felt like I was trapped in that same nightmare!
